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A member registered May 02, 2017 · View creator page →

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It's a start, and at least I was able to run it. I do like the spritework!

Cool clone, Nice MS Paint of Loomers and Jelly. Well implemented, nice job!

I'm glad you liked it!

This is fun, reminds me a lot of the T-rex minigame in Chrome. The best I've gotten so far is 70m ish.

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I really like this one. The descriptions of all the different drinks in particular adds a lot of flavor. I like that. I think it's interesting how it's easier to get a higher score on a higher difficulty because they're fewer opportunities to screw up. I also really like how the fail state isn't a game over, but a minor setback for score. That's really interesting. Also, the audio sample of Tenma vomiting is very cute! Good submission, I like it!

The task switching is cool. I'm really glad you let us know about the Z cheat in SGMiniNiki's stream because that first DDR section is god damn impossible with the timings on it. Music is cool, UI design is pretty good, I like the idea, and I like the AI art.

That was fun. I like the moveset. Survived quite a while in endless mode at the end, but of course you eventually die to chip damage. The artstyle for the spritework is very special.

(1 edit)

Right, the way I did that was I first transcribed the midi data in Ardour using a combination of the sheet music and the waveform of the Vox vocal. Then I used a python script (included in the .love) to record the midi data (since Ardour didn't want to export it with BPM information) to a CSV of midi note values, start, and end times in seconds. Then I converted that to a lua table I could import in Love2D. Syncing it, I start a timer at the same time I start playing the music, and I subtract the timer value from the start and end times. When rendering, I have a pixels_per_second conversion factor, which I also use for collision detection and culling notes off-screen.

If you want to look at the code, everything's in the .love, which is basically a zip file of all the code and assets and whatnot that can be read by the love2d interpreter.

Ahhhhhh, that's neat.

Interesting game. At first I figured out it was possible to cheese it by standing on the middle rung and letting them pile up and get cured by proximity until the game lagged out, but then I realized you don't really get very much score by doing that. On the other hand, if you let them pile up and then harvest, depending on how dense the group of them are, you instantly die from the collisions. So it seems like there's this delicate balance of letting them pile up enough to get combos, but not so much that it kills you. Cool game!

That was fun! I made it to level 5 a couple of times before game overing. I'll probably keep playing some more. I really like the upgrade system, and how it gradually expands the mechanics of the expunge attack. Cute Pippa model!

I did notice some output running it from the command line, I'm guessing some debug print statements left in somewhere?

Yeah, no penalty for missing notes. Definitely not something I wanted to fit in there, but ran out of time... Same for the score end screen always crashing.

There's a lot more I would have liked to do with this, but I was pretty dang pressed for time trying to do the whole thing on Sunday, since my work week overlapped with the first 3 days of the jam. And then I spent a good half of the time I had left transcribing the midi from the sheet music...

I really appreciate you having a go at it! Thanks for checking it out! :D


I got it too! :D

Didn't vihart do a video on this?