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A member registered Aug 09, 2019

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Still freezes the game and can't get it to "unfreeze" it again, but at the very least, I can close it with ctrl+alt+delete now, so it's an improvement, thanks for the help! (Also sorry for being so late with my reply, I forgot that itchio doesn't show you notifications if you're in the library.)

Thank you for the info, looking towards the future of this game!

Keep up the good work!

Great game! 

But I'm having a problem that after a while the game just freezes and won't move again, additionally it gets stuck on screen, so no matter what I can't do anything else, ctrl alt delete will bring up the menu thing (I'm not sure how it's called in english right now, english isn't my native language), but my computer still thinks I'm in the game for some reason, so I can't click on anything there, ultimately I had to restart the whole computer in order to get it unstuck each time, any sort of fix for this problem available, or something?

Thank you in advance!