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(2 edits)

The 3rd piece was in the enemy that you collect by jumping on them and the 4th is in a section in the top-left, so you may have missed one of those (you didn't miss a lot though since the game's shorter than I wanted but wanted to be sure all the mechanics worked)

Really appreciate it, I wanted to make it a bit longer but was running out of time and wanted to prioritize having the "tutorial" work. Hoping to add more levels after the game jam finishes.

Really cool game mechanic that's simple to learn the controls of but has tons of potential for game variety. Music was fitting for the levels, and I love that you added charm by commenting on why you couldn't jump.

I love the neon style and animation in this. The portraits and flavor text also adds a lot of charm to the character select. I like that the file collecting also doubles as where to line your ship up to move through the next pattern of red squares. 

My only suggestion for the current project is to add slightly more friction to the ship, as it feels a bit slippery to me when doing circles.