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A member registered Sep 05, 2018 · View creator page →

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I knew there was something shady in the announcement XD i can't wait for the release, finally ❤️ I'll save up money just in case!

Thank you so much for the update! If you decide to add more PoV from other characters I'll totally support you and it's completely undertandable that you need to charge for it, even more with the virus going on, not everything can be free and it is extra content, each person decides if they want to spend more on it. I'm planning on buying Four's PoV as soon as I can save up some money.

The only bug I found so far is when you choose the option "What do your augs do?" in chapter 5 while talking with Three, the character sprites don't dissapear and also... there's two Seven, it looks as if she has a twin lol (not sure if anyone else had the same issue)


I've tried a few times, it only detects when I select no... But I'll try to ask there, thank you very much

May I ask if anyone else is stuck at the 'mature content' warning? For some reason the game doesn't detect when I select yes so I can't get past that. Re-downloaded the game twice, still happens. The game was running fine yesterday, don't know what I did wrong lol