Thoughts on the game are pretty solid! Although the jumpscares lacked a bit, I'd give it a solid 8/10! If you're interested, check out my video on this game and have a nice day!!!
Christmas in February? This game was genuinely fun, especially when I got jumpscared by a fridge... Check out my POV if you're interested, and have a great day!!!
This game was both creepy and funny! I definitely recommend checking it out :) I also made a video on it so if you're interested check that out too! Bye, love you
This is by far the best short horror game I've played in a long while. My only complaint is if you get caught it starts you over haha. Check out my video on this game and have a great day!
Thank you guy's SO MUCH for the reply! Endless Mode was actually really fun and I got another couple hours out of it. Keep up the good work and again, THANK YOU for creating this amazing game!
I enjoyed every second of this game and even continued to play the endless mode at the very end of the game for a while! You guys made a great game GOOD JOB!!! I played this game on my channel so here is the video if you'd like to check it out!
I WANT MORE OF THIS GAME! The only bad thing about it is that it's so short being a demo and all :( I played this game on my channel so check it out if you're interested in playing!
This game has real potential! I played through and did both A and B ending on my channel so if you'd like to watch or even just to check it out here it is! Thanks for the great game!
This game may be short but damn the entire time I felt like I was being watched... Good job on this great game! If you would like to watch me play through it I did so on my channel.
This game was absolutely amazing and I recommend anyone willing to check it out to give it a shot! I played through the entire game on my channel so if you wanna check it out here it is.