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A member registered Aug 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed the game  :)

Thanks for your feedback!

Wow!  That's definitely  one of my favorites in this jam.  Very entertaining and well polished.  I liked how many mechanics you've implemented in such short period of time and they work perfectly.

Thank you so much!

Really good concept. I agree with previous comment, would be great to play more levels. Liked it :)

I liked the atmosphere of the game and the way it makes you think about your next steps. Upgrade system adds motivation to play it again and again so finally you know you will be able to beat the bosses. 

Noticed that sometimes hero gets stuck between two adjacent boxes when running on it. Probably because of two different colliders, not sure how it works in godot. Anyway, jump always helps so it's not critical issue.

Generally, the game is good and fun to play. Great job!

It's a good idea to add some obstacles. Thanks for your comment. Glad you liked the game .

That was fun to play, really enjoyed the animations. Thanks for the game

(1 edit)

Cool game ;) Really good job for 48 hours game. 

I suggest to add input instructions. It took some time to find jump button.

That was nice and simple. Good start)


Thanks for your feedback! Glad you enjoyed it :)

Hi! I'm Unity developer, searching for team or collaboration. I'm relatively new in programming, I have some skills in c# and unity editor(2d). I'd like to find someone to grow skills together and just have fun of making games

You can contact me by Discord for more info: Atrease#3199