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A member registered Apr 19, 2019

Recent community posts

Bought this pack today to continue prototyping with. I really love your art style. You get a lot done with very few pixels. Great colors. Your top-down perspective is perfect as well. I contacted you a couple of years ago about your rates for a project and I still have you in mind. I really hope one day I'm contacting you about bringing you onto the project, but I'm glad to support you today this way!

So I'd like to look at TrueState+ but I bought the 2.0 version on the YoYoMarketplace and the new version is not available there.  Any way for me to get it? My yoyogames user name is the same as on

I'll try to check it out soon. I've been using a modified version of TrueState and really like it. I was curious if your next update would try to get rid of the enums in TrueState because of the recent changes and I was wondering how you might use some of the new features. Looks like the new changes didn't compel you to redo anything but I'm curious about TrueState Plus. I can see how you can't initialize multiple state machines on the same object with the old way of doing it so I'm intrigued...

Thanks and I'll post this clarification in the yoyo forums so you don't have to! Just to make sure I've understood you, you are using a different sprite for the collision mask (the green square). But is it still true that the instance calling tile_meeting_precise also needs its collision mask type set to precise per frame (as place_meeting says it does)? Otherwise it won't work, right?

I think I get it now but honestly it's pretty crucial to the setup that we understand that any moving objects calling this function are likely to need a separate sprite for their collision mask and both the calling instance and the checker object need to have precise per frame turned on (not just the checker object). Maybe that was obvious to you but not to me because I've never had to do that before; rectangular collision masks always worked fine for me so I just haven't had to do something else. There might be quite a few others that get equally confused when they get everything set up, but haven't picked a different sprite for the collision mask, and find that their character sprite's head is triggering collisions; or, because they didn't turn on precise per frame in their character object, bounding boxes end getting used instead of precise checking. I don't know if you can edit the yoyoblog post to clarify that now but it might help others avoid some headaches. Awesome job though! I really like how this method combines the best of different approaches!

Hi PixelatedPope,

First, thanks for all you do for the GM community. Can you help me with something I don't quite understand with this method (which looks awesome btw)? In tile_meeting_precise you use place_meeting with precise collision checking selected for the obj_tile_wall collision type. First question: to use precise collision checking, both the obj_tile_wall and the calling instance have to have precise selected under the type of collision mask, right? That's what the manual says for place_meeting ( That would make the collision mask identical to the shape of the sprite, right? If that's right, how did you get the collision mask in the example game above to not include the sprite's hair? Are there two objects (the character and the green box) that move together with only one (the green box) checking for precise collisions? This is obviously important for our favorite genre of game (2.5d top-down) as you don't want the character's head running into wall above him which would undermine the fake 3d look. I don't see how this problem is solved just given the code above.