I wanted to see if i can get all the unique objects in the game but i am missing one and i have no idea where to search for it because the outline is quite unique. May the developer tell me at least what is supposed to be to narrow my searches. Thanks
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So interesting game but it has a bunch of glaring issues
First the warf stairs clip you through map
Second at the meat market a parked car can hospitalise you
third the mixing guide is wrong and sometimes even if i give the right combination on time the customer is still angry. also, quite an aggressive first night i suggest putting a choice between easier and harder option so you can get used to it, with different payments.
forth -You should inform some times that certain actions will involve huge time skips
fifth - i takes almost an hour to get from the front of my building to my room -_-
Good game but here are some aspects
U get items fast and you might get cluttered so i suggest more shops to sell your stuff for money
Also because of that maybe the chests should hold 6-9 items instead of 4
house should probably be easier to obtain ,or a lantern or something ,its kinda awkward working at night
not sure if intended but mining eats stamina kinda fast
the "tables" should be able to rotate
also bug after moving your house you can still "enter it"
In a cave but i forgot which one be sure to have everyone rlse upgraded frst though
You might recognize it because these level up materials caves are special and follow a pattern.
First you are directed to a room with two options one where u need the upgraded animals and one with the mat(you know as a showcase) if im not wrong it should be in the desert
i like it there doesn't seem to be any bugs but to me the junior fight with the dogs just felt a little awkward when "we" had to fight on to sides.Might be just me thought
I have to ask some stuff if you don't mind.from what i gather the game seems 70-80% complete .Is there a release date planned ?Will we have to pay for the final version?How much?
The three quests are:
first) on the west side of the town there is a guy with a foul smell curse ,you need to go to the cave in the most north-western in the map enter a cave and get a brooch from a naga guy that belongs to the first guy.After returning the broch you need to wait some time before returning (i did it after doing another quest but not sure if u can go immediatly) and find his front cabin empty and door open ,then *** scene and as reward you get brotherhood emblem
second)a knight is positioned just as u enter the snowy fields,he asks to send a message to a guy with a curse that lives in a capin on the lake on the eastern side of the town,after talking with cursed guy u get a horse and some armor to bring back to knight guy and you will be tasked to killing every enemy as the dude just rides his horse(the enemies do quite some damage so u need either potions or high stat equipment at this point).after finishing the murder spree return to the cursed lake guy u get another ***scene and by talking again u get a fox upgrade material
third)(u must have the lion for this not sure about other animals)u need 4 "objects" 3 found in the desert:a cow, a pig(u need lion swipe the rock hes on),and a goose;the forth is a grinding stone in a tree in the forest near the "dark forest"(lion swipe again);when u got everything u need to follow a guy aroun the world and give him an object each time and he gives u stuff in exchange.I am not 100% sure if it goes like this but :
east town exit trade cow for potion
at lake trade pig for some armor? or coins?
at the mountains behind the castle trade goose for bow
in the desert u need to escort him to oasis setelment and then trade grinding stone for life orb
in the end u will find him in a lonley lumberjack cabin on the wester side of the river west of town where u get the *** scene and the lion upgrade material
Finished the game (sorta),in another topic the author explained that the game is incomplete so i decided to make a topic to specify when you have done everything
Current max animal companions levels:
Wolf-lvl1 Fox-lvl2 Lion-lvl2 Hare-lvl1 Bear-lvl1
There are currently 3 quest lines ;each leading to one *** scene.
Highest damage weapon: Tupio
Highest defense armor: Golden armor
Additional items with no use for now but might be used right away in a future build:
Carpet Golden thimble Golden bobbin Cheese Brotherhood emblem(Technically this one only activates one extra inn and fast travel but only that)