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A member registered Jan 10, 2024

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(1 edit)

No clue why, but that didn't work either

the shortcut doesn't do anything, the only way I can get some form of response is by running it from the windows search menu, which then shows up for half a second in my taskbar, before disappearing again...

Edit: I found the solution, when checking the properties of the .exe file it mentioned the app "came from another device, the app may be blocked to protect this device." Assuming the file is safe since a lot of people have the game and played it, you can unblock the app, which will then allow you to open it without issues.

When I try to launch the game I can see a window pop up in my taskbar for a few seconds, before disappearing again. It seems I cannot launch the game for whatever reason. I've attempted running it as admin, through the windows search menu, and as admin through the search menu