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A member registered Oct 17, 2019

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this was incredible to play, it takes a sec to get a hang of the drifting, but once you do it's so satisfying. the transition from the that bossanova background to the dub hiphop background was a little jarring to me at first, and after a couple plays i got used to it, but it cost me a run or two. admittedly i was trying to see if it really felt as distracting as i thought it was, so it probably didn't help that i was focusing on the background. also you probably already saw this but the game gives you like 80ish air points whenever you start the game. i dont know a whole lot about skateboarding but im pretty sure the wheels turn with the board when you turn on a skateboard? idk im not sure if thats intentional and im wrong or if it's like a graphical error or something. my favorite background was the that bossanova one but i love all of them, i feel like the switching really keeps the game feeling fresh. also this isnt really relevant at all but the style kinda reminds me of sayonora wild hearts? idk i think maybe it's just that they have somewhat adjacent aesthetics, they both kind of have a neon theme going on. 

tl;dr video game good. i like how it feel when i hit the button 10/10 would do instead of homework again. i hope the wall of text was helpful! thank y'all for putting this here, i had a lot of fun with it.