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A member registered 70 days ago · View creator page →

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Awesome music and style. Very much like the early Quake games. Mouse was a little sensitive, but I was able to adjust that on my end. Gameplay is brutal but strategic. Cool entry!

Very fun and interesting gameplay. I actually did the suggested blindfold and got a score of 400 something I think on the first potion making. Thank you for making this interesting game!

Music is boss. The game mechanics are not apparent initially but get more and more fun the longer you play and understand. It's easy to get in the middle of playing this and forget it was done in two weeks. Awesome entry and great work!

This art is really cool and unique! I love the perspective of the main gameplay area. The weapons upgrade minigame is also a nice touch. Great work!

Very cool game. Love the atmosphere and game mechanics. A little easy, but nice and relaxing chill game. Screen is very small for me on Chrome.

Very fun little action game. Love the perspective, graphics, animation, and sound.