That fixed it! Thank you so much, I don't know if I ever would have found that on my own. I've never used game mode before and didn't realize it was a thing UE had :)
Recent community posts
I wasn't sure if I could contact someone about this any other way, so I really hope someone sees this. I must have accidentally hit some hotkeys and now anything I select uses a selection box as seen below (first image is a selected vertex, second is a selected quad).
I used the Reset Settings to Default button, but that didn't fix it. I can make the selection boxes disappear by unchecking "Display Selection Box in Game View", but then I can't see anything to tell me what I've selected. So not only are selected edges, faces, and quads not highlighted, I can't see selectable vertices either. I really need help with this, I've looked through all the hotkeys in the settings and nothing seems to fix it. "UnHide All Selection Display" seems to only affect the selection box, and things like "Toggle Vertex Display" don't appear to do anything as far as I can tell.
I don't know what to do, but I'm having a very hard time using the tool now because of this. Please help!