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A member registered May 17, 2017

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this was amazing! the aching feeling of nostalgia feels so at home in my heart reading this. you've done fantastic and I'm ready for more! 

Are you sure about him not missing releases?

After i equip armor on after winning the fight with the beastslayer, it doesn't let me do anything else, unless I'm missing something? I've equipped every bit of armor I have and nothing seems to push me forward. 

I cant seem to begint the assault at all? Is that not ready for this build or am i missing something.

Jenna is not the true rout, all routs are canon due to multiple universes existing. 

Sequal not prequal :P the prequal is The Smoke Room

Choices are simple

all the music is in the files of the vn

Firepokers are also from a folklore standpoint the onlything that can hurt a monster, and all thing fae.

How do i explore the caves? it says i need light but i dont know how to make a torch or where to buy one?