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A member registered Feb 01, 2022 · View creator page →

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hi kalyskah team 

just wanta give you BIG thankyous cuz of this wonderful game its awsome in every way graphics gameplay environment sounds costume musics the voice actors the world and lighting  they are gorgeous not to mention the storyline that i love to see where it takes kalyskah next and dare I say its very first decent game that come with a strong story and voice acting with adult themes sure there are some adult games that comes up with story's but none are like kalyska , not that I wana interference your great work but there are a  lot of useless adult game on steam that no one showing up interest to em wonder why kalyska not there to showoff it can take a lot of love from other's , games like skyrim and fallout they re still alive and well supported because of mods with adult contents sooo yeah please dont bother yourselfs with clothing items and give your fans more story and missions ;))) 

love to see project continues your works awsome , your awesome