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A member registered Oct 05, 2019 · View creator page →

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Got a great laugh out of your playthrough. 

This was my game so it is definitely rough. Was sad to see you didn't finish it. If you follow the road from the graveyard entrance, you will find the maze. 

Id like to give you some feedback as well. 

As a viewer on YouTube, it's kind of a downer to watch someone playthrough a game and give up after the slightest difficulty in the game. I understand the games you have played here are not the most interesting for you(or polished), and as the viewer I can feel that, so it makes it a little hard to watch. 

You started off with a negative attitude about the games you were playing, perhaps you should playthrough something you have more enthusiasm about? People really pick up on these things and are generally looking to watch someone enjoy themselves. 

Anyways, thanks for taking the time to give it a try regardless. Next time around I will consider your criticism, however as a solo developer it is common to outsource 3D modeling.It was a very shitty jumpscare, and I admit I was finishing the game and got very lazy. I should take the time to finish these things before release.

Thanks again. 

Thank you so much for the feedback. Yeah I'm new to the engine, so I'm learning to optimize the game. I will continue to polish it up!