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A member registered Oct 18, 2019 · View creator page →

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The background music is very fitting for the theme of the game without clashing with any of the other sound effects in the game. The shooting sounds are appropriate for the game.

All the sounds when you hit enemies are appropriate for the type of enemy and really tie in with the theme of the game. I like the bird like sound that you hear when you click play/restart.

The music on the start screen is nice but very quiet. The sound effects in the game work well and despite getting very repetitive, they fit the game really well.

I really like the end music. The background music for the game was fast paced and exciting fitting the environment of the game. The sounds when the enemy dies are great.

Each of the dragons have different sounds when you change into them and they're not overwhelming for the player. The sound is really effective and works well in your game.

I really like the sound that the bird enemies make when you hit them. The character, who is jumping in an out of the water, has a really effective sound effect, however it gets quite repetitive and annoying after a while.

Sound is very overwhelming due to the loudness and the amount of sounds going on. 

I like the music for when you die, it really emphasises the disappointment you feel due to the tone of the music. The sound for when you kill the enemies are good and not repetitive enough to get annoying.

I really like that you can hear the flapping of the wings. The background music is really mysterious and as player, you're not really sure whats going on or what to make of it, this really suits the theme of the game.