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A member registered Jun 11, 2020

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Thank you very much for what felt like a very personal and deeply moving experience. It was emblematic, as it seems to me, to the voice though which the realty of the modern world can be expressed, indeed - should be expressed. Especially so for people who are not privileged and/or non-normative. It is painful to me that the community of people who enjoy video games to which I belong is so toxic and continues to be so harmful to beautiful artistic voices such as yourself. A sad, sad state of affairs that we are in that those things can happen.

Very nice short experience, ideal for Halloween mid-day or, say, All Hallows’ Day between going to the church and visiting graveyards. The idea of playing as a streamer is quite innovative and having an audience that lively and believably reacts to your decisions is a really fresh thing to have in a point-and-click adventure game.  I can easily see it being used in a much longer project. Overall A+ if you know what kind of games this is, as it achieves exactly what it tries to achieve.  Certainly not the greatest story ever told, but we also need some projects with much less ambition from time to time. And this is why we have and such games as “Live Scream”.

So, as someone who have recently beaten the game with 100% storylines explored (not 100% challenges though, some of them are insane) I feel obliged to write a review. I got this game a while ago as part of THE Bundle and played it recently as a kind of “companion” game, kinda like people play mobile games while doing other things. And I must say that some parts of it I enjoyed greatly and others not quite so. I love the worldbuilding, as it was crafty and invocative, even if relatively humble. Steampunk ancient Greece, and this version of it, seems like a good place for e.g. a Dnd campaign and I would love to see it described in even greater detail. The plot itself is a bit paradoxical – the main story is obvious as is the case with most of world-saving RPG’s and other games, characters were one-note but very likable and there were some finer subplots in there. But while during the first play-trough I absorbed the world and was very excited about my decisions, next play-troughs were increasingly more chaotic, showing that in particular stories there is very little internal logic – it’s just hopping from place to place. Even so, the larger picture that emerges from those chaotic play-troughs seems coherent and well thought-trough. Now, to the fights itself. I enjoyed most of them as little puzzles to be solved with skills at hand. It did not bother me much that it’s more simplistic than in classic tactical RPG’s. I haven’t played them nor I really intend to, so I enjoyed what I got. It did, however, bother me that the level up system seems entirely superficial and unlocking new skills was no gratification. I unlocked the really useful ones (healing and pushing other units) right away and the rest did not seem helpful to me so I did not have anything to look forward to. That and the final fights (solo Skylax! the final boss!) that really pushed my patience with this thing stood like a sore thumb from the rest of this overall enjoyable experience.

I must admit: playing this game in Poland, neighbor country of Ukraine, in 2022, in the midst of the Russian unprovoked, horrible invasion was an uncanny experience. Even so, I enjoyed how it deftly compressed a multitude of complicated sociopolitical problems into one snack-sized game. Granted, doing so made them seem a bit oversimplified, but this, as I think, comes from the place of well-understood storytelling, not ignorance. That’s why there still is ambiguity here any your choices have both pros and cons to them. I also love how open-ended it is, a factor which adds to it replayability value. I ended up supporting views that benefited me and my family, mostly, and had strong stance in all the presented topics, but I could easily see me making different choices. That’s a game that is worth both playing and pondering about. I’ll also be sure to check out “NoviNews” sometime in the future.

Short but fun, for sure! It made for a nice evening for me.

This kind of games is the reason why I return and will keep returning to The Bundle from time to time. “The Müll Littoral” is so full of heart and real human feelings that when you play it it seems like there is little to no barrier between the creator (or the lyrical ego) and the player. Why, it feels like a warm embrace, or at least like communication with an actual human being. And while I suffer for a kind of anxiety that is certainly different from the one experienced by Juul, I find at least a part of myself in her, and that means a lot. Oh, and the worldbuilding and art are here also great, they really transport you to another world. I do hope that indie creators will never stop to make this kind of games. And if they do, well – I still have like a thousand more to play...

Terrific small game! Has great sense of exploration, discovering new areas, objects, characters etc. The fighting system was surprisingly gripping and rewarding, but the fights themselves turned out to be quite easy once you get to know it. Nevermind that though, since Stezzoni Pizzeria has climate to spare and is a place greatly worth visiting at night. Storyteling was also spot-on, and same goes to art and soundtrack. The only flaw is that I expected it to have more replayability value as fully fleshed-out rougelike, but even though there is no real reason to go back to Wrong Turns that you already visited, the expirience itself fully compensates for that. Good game for, say, Halloween evening at home, especially if you search for something a bit creepy rather than outright really scary.

I see a lot of people here made some kind of video about this short story; well, I didn’t, I just went for it because I needed a short distraction before playing a longer game that is for me, in fact, another distraction before playing an even longer game while still waiting for “Cyberpunk 2077” to finally come out. Needles to say, I wasn’t disappointed: “The Night Fisherman” is minimal gaming at its best – in under 10 min it delvers all that the creators promised on this page and proofs that someone out there is a rather skilled writer (the racist metaphor of lions and pigeons was a great one, it really made the moment, and in fact, the whole game, maybe hand in hand with the endings). Glad it made it to the Racial Justice Bundle.

While I have never been in a rave, I cannot imagine it would feel anything but exactly like this game: an endless chaotic party choke-full of weird conversations (which are here pretty well-written, I must admit) and even weirder situations that follow one another in a series of events that seem to have nothing common among them. “Sewer Rave” is a great little exploration game that although quickly becoming repetitive nevertheless is certainly more than redeemed by its crazy dialogues and thick, unmistakable atmosphere that the creator(s) of this game managed to nail down perfectly.

I must say I quite enjoyed this little adventure. It is a really well-designed puzzle game, and experiencing it at one sitting made for a perfect break from my everyday responsibilities. I also appreciate the reference to a classical structure of the narration from the east. I had no idea about kishōtenketsu, but finding it out was, for me, quite fun.