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A member registered Dec 27, 2021

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Cool.  First off, mostly personal preference, the game feels a bit sluggish.  I had this problem with the first one too.  I don't know anything about the game engine, but it might be a good idea to speed up most of the non-sex animations by 10% - 20% or so if possible.

Secondly, if enemies are going to be as low as they are, a crouching melee attack would be a good idea.

It's entirely up to you.  It's your game, so you should be free to make it however you see fit.  I love pretty much every single one of your games, so keep up the good work. 

I have a couple quality of life suggestions if you're interested.  Obviously, it's still a very early build, so the suggestions are fairly minor and related to the mechanics in the tech demo.  Asking first because I know that many developers don't like people giving unwanted suggestions.

Look for a subtle twinkle or go around until you find a bit of odd collision and check there.