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A member registered Aug 23, 2016

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The first use of my account for this website is to write a brief review of this game because I enjoyed it that much. Having initially discovered it though a gif on Facebook the glitch art alone made me curious enough to give this game a try.

To anyone used to spending time with older windows systems with limited software installed or late nights talking to friends on msn messenger this game will bring back waves of nostalgia and to anyone younger a somewhat warped glimpse into computing's yesteryear.

When going into this game I highly suggest you try to suspend your disbelief and take the experience as real because the premise of the game deserves it and it will becoming frighteningly convincing if you let it. The primary basis of the game has you testing an older operating system in which you find yourself getting instant messaged by a stranger in deep trouble who seems too involved in something far over their head. The underlying unease begins to set in and before long you find yourself leaving the confines of the game itself to play. The game requires some out of the box thinking and interaction with many real websites such as youtube, google earth in order to solve some of its puzzles.

This is the scariest game I've played this year and while it doesn't fit the mold of a traditional horror game or make use of tropes such as jumpscares it outshines both with a satisfyingly uncomfortable atmosphere of dread that lasts right until the final moment

Archimedes is a short experience but it is one that knows what it wants to be throughout and lasts long enough to have you wanting more without overusing its gimmicks.

This is one retro cyber themed experience I highly recommend anyone to try, especially if your beginning to feel burned out on everything else on offer lately