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A member registered Dec 23, 2017

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Making those 'not that common' is gonna make the programming a lot more complex though, isnt it?

That would make it quite complex though. You dont want a city where there is a lot of places with a big altitude diffrence.

for example it would be okay to have 1 place in your city where there is a lvl10 and a lvl1 next to eachother, but haveing 6 of those places would make for a pretty odd city

i have not seen that. I’ll be sure to check it out. 

What would be an option is that you could choose a generated city, and then after that,  in another part of the program you’d be able to edit. Like you’d export it to that section. 

Just something that would be really useful. I have no idea how to do stuff like that though: you’re the pro. 

Keep up the good work :D

I use the cintygenerator for almost all my campaigns. It's just so convient to have a visiual representation of your city to help you describe to the players where things are.

It does however take a little edditing afterwards. Often i want the shape of the coastline, the walls or the roads just a bit diffrent. So what i do is, i search through the random generator until i have found something that resembles what i want, and then i edit it so it fits my campagin.

It would be awesome to have a feature where you can choose a generated city and then be able to add or delete houses to your liking, or slightly adjust the course of the river, roads or walls. 

Im really hoping we'll see something like this in the future