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A member registered Aug 20, 2014 · View creator page →

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I love this!

Little bug: Somehow when I'm running towards a stack of 2 boxes and jump, I'm pushed backwards instead of being allowed to move towards the boxes and get on top of them.


53 acceleration, 16 max speed, 74 deceleration, 3.8 Jump Height, 10 Down Gravity, 0.2 Duration, 1 Air Control, 1 Air Brake, both checkboxes set to on,  5 Zoom, 2 Damping X and Y,  0.5 Lookahead, Ignore Jumps off.

It started before I changed anything in Assists (Only noticed after I unlocked the assists panel though)

I'm a bit late but this was a ton of fun! The levels are nice and challenging while not being impossible. It was really satisfying getting levels down.

(1 edit)

I had fun! somehow my mirror turned off while I was inside of a block that got erased and I ended up soft locked

I restarted and beat it, very fun game!

This game is really fun AND pretty! Great going!

Really fun game! Wish I knew how many levels there were beforehand though, as I thought it was infinite and stopped trying around Level 8