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A member registered Apr 03, 2021 · View creator page →

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I have to say that we use slopes to force some mechanics throughout the game; that's because slopes have that behaviour. But yes, climbing would be a nice alternative! :)

Ciao Moonkey Lab, grazie per il feedback! Do you mean that maybe slopes shouldn't force the player to slide? Grazie ancora

Grazie Claudio!!!

Ciao Mehco, thanks! Yes the screen issue has made us struggle quite a bit. Stories about pixel perfect settings :) We are sorry for that

Very detailed comment, so thank you kingjaw. I can't check out how movements are dealt right now; once I can get scripts I want to figure out this aspect. Maybe the issues you kindly described are due to actual little cracks among the entire scripts system, which are present as we know. I'll check out which methods are driving the system for sure.

Regarding device choice: we believe that Beggar might be appreciate on mobile devices due to its nature as a game. Who knows? Maybe one day we will play it on other devices!

Thanks so much

Yeah that head is recognizable I guess :) Thanks heliosbather!

Prendiamo e intaschiamo, grazie Lite.008! :)

Ahaha the first part of your comment is strictly about me, thanks AraTheDev! I would have produce way better sound mechanics if only I would have able to use Wwise, especially on music side; but webgl contents don't allow me to use it unfortunately. Anyway is a demo :)

About player controls: yes, we are aware about some mechanics issues, and we will fix them for sure.

Thanks again!

Graaaazie Unitech! :)

Ehi choufleur, thanks so much! The X button is available on controller, and yes, checkpoints would have been a good idea; at the final stage they will be there of course, thanks again!

We've choosen the most used movements system as WASD+spacebar just to be sure everyone can rely with a system they recognize to. We will take your hint in mind though, thanks again!

Yep, you are right, checkpoints will be taken into account for sure in the official release, thank you again

Ehi! Good idea about the mimic, thanks!

Thank you Tridon!

Hi DanielLC! You can read the right commands in the description above, thanks