real what if we get 9am at rock bottom?Lol
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Dora is dead 2 suggestion:you have escaped the abandoned fort but now you are in the woods with no where to go,can you find the exit before she comes?Btw dora killed boots bc boots didn’t catch swiper.You must find all batteries(5) to open the gate in the woods.btw dora has legs now since she killed over scene:if its game over then it shows that dora ran over swiper with a car for revenge for swiper running over scene: if you escape the woods ir shows swiper running to his car and getting out of there.main menu:looks the same with the trees and the dora music.the woods map is where the trees and stuff that are on the main menu.tip#1 dora is faster now that she has legs and roams around the map.tip#2 dora doesnt know where your at but if you go to boots dead body,she always camps there with the last battery being there.Dave,I hope you like this,because i got it from the main menu.