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Weird Kenku

A member registered Oct 13, 2023

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(3 edits)

I figured that out eventually and while it makes sense is also very inconvenient as nearly no asset packs for RPG Maker include all of those folders at the same time. The only ones I can name off hand that actually do are the 3 Japanese Asset sets, all others only provide one of those 3 sub, sub folders. It wasn't mentioned in documentation so I was super confused for a while. The error for that specifically also looks identical to not having SV and such so it wasn't very insightful in troubleshooting.

Also whenever importing MV into MZ it breaks the generator so badly I need to reinstall everything from scratch. I know MV stuff isn't exactly the same with poses but you'd think the normal overworld sprites wouldn't break as well but they do, and unlike posts about doing it, this tool breaks all assets completely if you do it with the base generator for MV to a much more destructive degree.

Trying to get this to work but it's refusing to convert my files, it keeps saying I am missing sub folders when I am very clearly not. I'm not sure what it's wanting at this point.

I think they did since that's what I had to do to get the updated version, something on itch is making it behave like an entirely new product.

Ah okay, I was just making sure it was a plugin with overlay or of it was parallaxed in it looked great in the shots and I was confused thinking I was missing a file the whole time. As far as the house goes I do have those I'll have to see what I can do with them or look at what else I have xD

(5 edits)

Thank you so much for the update, what plugin/patallax are you using for the glowing? I've opened the sample project and everything there is no glow like what is shown in the pictures still. It is very noticeable on your pictures on the store page but it's very clearly NOT there when I look at them in the sample project nor in my own project. I figured it was only viewable when in the game itself vs the editor but it's also not there. It's not your lighting effects pack I checked in that, so I'm not sure what/where the glow is coming from. I only have it on the waterfall tiles not the any of the ground tiles or the large gems. Also, do you have a recommendation for what pack to use building tiles from with these? I have a town right on and near a volcano and don't want the houses to look too jarring, as this doesn't have any. xD

(3 edits)

You don't have to rebuy it though, they update their tiles on all their storefronts. If you bought it you just redownload it...I've had to redownload Dark Academia after it had one and there were no issues and no I didn't have to rebuy it. Okay no I see what yo mean now, THIS one is asking me to rebuy it and it's being treated as a completely new item entirely...what you need to do is select "I've already bought this" and send an email to the account you bought it with to fix the issue!

(3 edits)

Oh wow didn't expect this one to get an update, these are great the sideways ones are a bit wonky to use but otherwise this does exactly what I was needing. :3 I'm not sure what's up with them but I have a bit of a weird thing happen with the animated books where when I try closing them it changes the book being displayed for a brief moment before correcting itself side note.

(1 edit)

Sorry to bug you...again. I'm trying to find the shelf that can go in all directions and I cannot find it. Is there no bookshelf that's uh sideways or backward? Was hoping to be able to have shelves that weren't front facing and I thought this would let me do it but it seems not?

Wait we're getting an update in a few days!? Oh my gosh I cannot wait! :D I just started working with this tileset, looks like I'm gonna wait before I continue that map then~

(1 edit)

Wonderful work, but I have a question. The description for this mentions having glowing orbs, where are they exactly as when I look in the files I only have a non glowing version I'm also curious but are your screenshots all done in parallax? I don't have any of the glowing effects shown in the pictures, not even in the sample project.

I keep thinking you have one but then remember you don't can't wait for that one! :D

Is there still plans to expand this tileset with more colors like the Crystal Caastle tileset, this looks lovely and just picked up castle but noticed this wasn't updated with matching colors yet. cheers~

TYSM and again sorry for the trouble I have sent you a message over there ^^

Hmm, I did try another device and it showing everywhere was the same and now I think it's finally fixed on my computer but I'm sure sure what I can do about prior purchases. I don't have have a way to show it with those other than I noticed it and was super confused and finally got to the point of asking you about it @w@;;; Sorry for any hassle this has caused...but yes not sure what to do with those...


I don't actually, and you can still see it right now too is cheaper than prices on your website before checking out. Which is why I am so confused. ^^;

They already are on their website for free for people who don't have them from Steam. It's unfortunately a Valve issue and how they do dlc packs for RM engines.

(1 edit)

Is there any particular reason your tilesets are so wildly different price wise between here and your personal website? I don't mean between sales or anything either, that's rather unfair to the consumer. On KomodoPlaza I get it but not here vs your website. I've been charged more simply by buying directly from you several times now :/