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A member registered Feb 08, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much to upload here too!

I bought the steam one too!

oh, I see. Thanks anyway.

Is there nothing Christmas special in here?

Thanks a lot to give me nice comments.

It may late but anyway.

I’ve never thought I could get how much responses.

I just wanted to encourage the godot game engine because it’s so interesting game engine that I thought.

Well I could think more like being serious to use this engine for more bigger something from this challenge.

Thanks a lot anyway!

Nice and cozy platformer! sounds and arts are great! Awesome!

I’m so glad you’re being smiles!!

Thanks a lot to admire with my drawings and music!

Thanks a lot to give me nice comments too!!

I’m so glad to enjoy the game of stories!!

Thank you so much to give me a nice comments too!

It's so fun to finish it!

Phew, it's so fun to solve puzzles and characters are cute too! Awesome!

I’m so appreciate you enjoyed this game!

If you expect more rich horror stories, well sorry it’s not.

Maybe I’ll try for next time!

Thanks to give me nice comments!!

Yeah it spent more times to make some plugins and the stories got be shortened.

I’m glad you liked it!

Thanks a lot to give me a comment!

I’m so glad you enjoyed my game of stories and drawings!

I was a bit worried is it making sense or not because English isn’t my first language but I’m you enjoyed!

Thanks a lot to give me nice comments!

You rock too!

Thanks a lot to comments!

Ha ha it’s not horror but funny story, surprise!

Thanks a lot to comments!

That’s exactly true you said! It looks like horror but it’s completely not making more funny I guessed I hope it worked too.

Thanks to write a comment!!

Thank you so much to mention the web page. I tried upload in .

Anyway, thanks a lot!

i love meow meow game over song!

songs are cozy too!

it's fun! :)

Thank you so much for playing until the end!

I’m so appreciate it!

Or you can try DeepL.

It looks like google translate but the results are better than google translate.

It seems AI based translation and it’s German company’s translation service.

Well I’m not sure is it fine to put the link of URL here so you can search DeepL with search engine.