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A member registered Oct 05, 2017

Recent community posts

(4 edits)

I've gone ahead and extracted the file again, & added a watermark for Yaluar. Yaluar, if you see this - I'm sorry if you didn't want people to see this, if you want it deleted, let me know.

Please consider releasing any artwork that you haven't shown yet for the game, even if it's cancelled.

I also added a bonus, there's another character here I don't think I've seen in the actual game, and there's no code for her to function in the files, either.

Warning: Clicking "View rest" contains Futa! Don't click if you are sensitive to that type of content.

Futa Character

This character is named "Futa" in the game's files.

Huntress Character

This character is known as "Huntress" in the game's files.

For those of you interested in the futa character, if you decompile the game she has a full CG, so you can see what she looks like.

Kind of wish Yaluar would've released the CGs before they quit!

Right... not sure about the immediate hostility towards someone who bought this that was just sharing their concerns and then turning around and saying the exact opposite and acting sympathetic. But go off, I guess.

Thanks anyway for eventually getting what was an innocent inquiry & some consumer advice, & I'm glad my point got across to some degree about said concern.

Any plans to add a gallery mode to images you've unlocked/seen? I simply haven't played this in months and I no longer support the Patreon because of how ridiculous it is to keep track of favorite images & when they happen, & having to go through all of that dialog again just to see it again.

I also think it'd be more enticing to see explicit images more often. I truly believe you've hti the nail on the head with the artwork you have to 'moderate' but I can tell that it's detracting from the story experience. It's clear people love the main characters, I'm generally just surprised you haven't taken much advantage of that outside of other mini-games and reskins.

There definitely needs to be more of a focus on the main girls, & perhaps with hardcore routes that result in pictures they've taken with their SOs or even meeting up with 'you' for something as simple as a blowjob. It would be interesting to have the MC transferred to Sophie's office, & with how things are all virtual today it'd be the same sort of feeling. You could have the MC or Sophie even working from home to explain that.

Anyway, just my 2 cents.

Quick question:

⭐Your very own fap buddy!

This 'feature' seems to imply there's some sort of companion of sorts who will join you while going through images. If that's the case, how do you activate it?

If that's not the case... you should probably re-word that statement as it's very confusing if you're talking about the game itself being a 'fap buddy', but alternatively, I actually think it'd be a neat idea to implement.

Would be cool to have some sort of customizable paper-doll esque girl join you and motivate you/make comments on things with the option to disable/enable her.

That may be true, but usually they last a bit before being taken down. It's not always immediate and it can garner a huge following before that even happens. A good example is Two Horns. It was up for around a year and the poor creator amassed a large following only for it to be shut down out of nowhere. Just a word of caution, simply because all it takes is one report or employee to look at it and everything you've worked for is gone, especially with content that contains dubious consent.

Good luck with the game! Just keep the warnings in mind, and maybe do some research on the topic. I could very well be wrong, but Patreon's ToS doesn't define a lot of things, it uses broad terms.

There we go, looks good!

Also I noticed you're using Patreon - I suggest against it. This can be considered dubious consent, and Patreon is mercilessly terminating pages with any implication of such content. Have you thought about SubscribeStar as a backup?

Just trying to prevent a tragedy before it strikes in the event this takes off!

Originally, I said this game was too difficult. However, the developer responded extremely quickly and has updated the tutorial to be very clear & easy to understand within 24 hours of my original comment. Turns out what I was doing wrong was I wasn't using the small white dot to predict the ball's trajectory, once I read about it in the updated guide, the game became second nature.

The game itself is fun! You get used to it pretty quickly. Very cute style and now that I understand it - it's definitely worth $6.

New user, only 1 game, 1 screenshot that's the same as the banner, and a description that doesn't say much or what's even currently available in the game.

Please update this page with more screenshots, and what this game contains right now at this stage in development! As it is, it's very suspicious.

Windows 10, like I said - it's extremely vague of an error. The reason is literally blank, it wasn't edited.

And that's a shame. I have read through F95 in the past, or a few years back and as I recall the game was supposed to be something much larger (I believe your artist for this game spoke about that on Tumblr) but I understand the woes of game development and things not working out in the end, even though you get most of the pieces of the puzzle together. Sometimes shit happens.

At the very least, consider a sequel one day? Even if it's short like this one. Would be cool.

(1 edit)

I want to say this game is a neat concept, but I seriously think something is broken. I've gone through it at least 12 times now, and on each and every single run it ends with exactly 4 missing.

Because I thought I was just bad at spotting changes, I took screenshots of the game when it first started, and alt-tabbed to them to spot differences immediately, and as I thought nothing changes except for what I listed above. This was a last resort, though.

I'd also like to note that the warning sound is extremely startling since the game has no ambience, so the sound ends up being loud and sudden.

Also, please make it so that the report menu automatically changes to the room you're actively in.

(1 edit)

It's a damn shame the concept didn't continue after this game. I understand that the simplicity of it probably turned motivation to properly finish this off, as well as other contributing factors.

This game takes a stripping & reward concept to a satisfying degree & because of the voice acting it makes the scenes feel alive as opposed to animating them.

I would like to see a special edition of this one day, at least. Maybe with a new pose if you can get ahold of the same artist. But more importantly, would love to see a better gallery mode without having to skip through a bunch of text, and then accidentally going too far and having to restart it for the scene I wanted. With an option to mute/unmute voice acting.

Also, not sure what broke but as of like 2 years ago it throws me an error that it can't create the process. Doesn't give any specifics, any ideas on a fix?