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A member registered Aug 02, 2021

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low poly is ok. I already got the character model and the bigger things. It's just little items (nothing too fancy with the textures) that i we can collab with. I mean, i can do them all but... one person, seven days? probably best get a little help. Message me on the Wannabe World server on Discord (ArcaneAcumen) if you want to talk more.

Hi EmeraldBear,

I got most of the coding down. You comfortable with 3D? I'm starting to considered getting help with smaller code just to get them out of the way (doors opening and closing, bridges moving, elevators, etc.). Also, can you do 3D assets or image assets?

Let me know what you think!

Okay, i sent an email with a tutanota account. Let me know if you didn't get it

I see. Maybe we can contact each other in the future to swap ideas. I'm also trying to make connection with indie devs! I wish you the best of luck!

Hi Oathr,

I would greatly appreciate your help if you can!

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Wannabe World server? I can't find you there. Can you please send me a link to N8 Jam's server? I'm new to Discord   x0

Nvm, got it!

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Hi RemziStudios,

I apologize, I was hoping to work with a composer and sound guy.

However,  if we did work together, what would you intend to contribute--I ask this in a respectful way!

Hi RemziStudios,

Are you wanting to work with OfficerChachi or are you asking both of us? Do you make SFX and music as well? If so, I will be willing to work with you.

Hi OfficerChachi,

I would like some help with music and SFX! You still looking?

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Hello everyone,

I'm looking for some one that would like to do sound effects and/or music in a sci-fi style.

I work in Godot. If you'd like to team up, you can reach me at ArcaneAcumen in Discord! We can talk there some more.

I see, no prob. Thanks for letting me know. Good luck to you guys!

Hi Manti,
I'm looking for an audio technician. I can do the coding and assets if you'd like--I mainly work in Godot. You can contact me @ArcaneAcumen in Discord