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A member registered Apr 02, 2019 · View creator page →

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thank you for kind words! it really is 90% tutorial code. I did add the oxygen mechanic - I had originally planned to try to have the airlock use the tcod pathing function to suck enemies (and the player) out of open airlocks, one tile per turn! but the tunnel (hallway) drawing logic from the tutorial did not ensure a single entry point per room to place a door (and sometimes drew hallways along the edge of a room, or alongside a second hallway to another room) and would need to be rewritten to ensure a single doorway could be opened/closed to seal off areas of each deck.

I like the curing crew member mechanic a lot! when I add score tracking, the challenge will be for players to balance managing their own oxygen (prioritizing finding the airlock panel first) with having to kill as few crewmembers as possible (prioritizing finding the biofilter panel first), and the score will be based on how many crew members you can save on each deck.

> The map didn't generate stairs
that's a known issue I need to fix- I believe it probably generated stairs (the hatch), but it did so on the same tile as one of the control panels, and so you couldn't see it under the "P" - a bit of an embarrassing oversight :)