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April Whitehead

A member registered Apr 10, 2018 · View creator page →

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thanks! It helps that I have an art degree and am a former art teacher, and I'm old! Lots of practice, lol. You're stuff is wonderful!! 

I'm so glad! Thanks for playing!!!

thank you, onion! You were definitely an inspiration!

thanks so much! I'm glad you got my point!

thank you!

Very powerful and sad!

thank you!

excellent! Glad you played, and I will definitely check out the competition!

thanks! Definitely my shortest game, and I made it in a few hours. I appreciate you playing!

Wow, very "Lucy in the candy factory" feel! :)

Yes, I was inspired by a real photo of a turtle that has eaten a latex balloon and ribbon. 


I un-ironically love that song! So fun! Nice work, as usual.

Excellent! Love the color palette and the interactions.

oh good! Its tricky 

thank you!

The names and stories are adorable! 🤗

I love mazes, and this was fantastic! I can't believe you were able to create something this complex! 

Very sweet! I enjoyed it.

I love how the color palette matches the mood. Very nice. :)

thank you!!! 

Huge inspiration to me!


thank you! That means a lot! 

Beautifully told story!

So sweet! Excellent

Very sweet!

Very pretty!

Very nice! I enjoyed the interior monologue and the passage of time.

Really digging this color scheme. Vibrant, but balanced.

Absolutely beautiful! I especially love the snow!

This is such a perfect gem of a game/experience! It's been a major inspiration on my Bitsy games. Thank you!

Thank you, I found it!! Fun game!! :)

I can't find the hidden room!