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A member registered Jul 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you Ballzdeepinyourmama, what a lovely review

Such lovely visuals. Really good impact when shooting. Really nailed that!

The extra features in the UI is great as well, like how the guy is getting visually more damaged to represent your health. Great choice instead of “just a health bar”.

Music gets me into such a good vibe when playing this.

Just missing a score counter and then it’s a true arcade game, almost enough to ship the game with that.

Fun to try out, though I would’ve loved to have some hint of what the goal is. Through trial and error I eventually (pretty much accidentally) got a win screen, not really realizing what I did to achieve it. Just a small description would’ve helped a lot.

The toast and toaster models looks really good!

Really makes me realize how much muscle memory typing is.

I would love getting better at this to throw it out as a party trick in the office during pair programming.

Lovely game! Theme nailed

Fun minimal puzzle game. Feel like a 90s hacker navigating the mainframe in a movie. Could maybe be expanded to moving in addition to the rotation?

Sad to hear the text stopped working last minute, otherwise this would be a great high-score game to challenge my friends with.

Had the luck of seeing the Bluetooth rubics cube in action. Excellent addition!

Numbers go up! :D

Was quite fun toying with continuously bumping the cup and exploding the numbers into millions. However I lacked some kind of goal. A local highscore would’ve been great, or some missions to get certain types of achievements such as “do 3 flips and land upside down”.

Interesting to see a Unity game in the mix of Godot games for this jam :)

Oh hold on


Boom, highscore :D



Theme: “You only get one”

This theme is a requirement to comply with. You are fully free to interpret the theme however you wish, as long as you can explain the connection.


These are kind of like sub-themes and fully optional. Every diversifier you nail gains you 1 additional point in the ranking. You are also allowed to interpret these however you wish.

  • FeedTheBeast: Win by collecting “everything”.
  • JesusSquared: Walk on water, swim on land.
  • Magical pet: The player has a magical sidekick.
  • 1000 kittens: At least 1000 kittens shall be in the game. Cats & dogs are also ok.
  • Scale it: Mix two extreme scaled, such as switching between size of ant and size of city.
  • 10 sounds: Include at least 10 sound effects based on recordings you’ve made yourself.
  • Day/night: A day and night cycle, that has to have some mechanical aspect to it.
  • 8-bit-col: Use a maximum of 8-bit colors (256 distinct colors) on the screen at the same time.

Have fun :)

This implies that we can vote on each other’s games and then have a winner.

I’ve not used before so don’t know if you can opt out of the ranking on a per-game basis. But it would be fun if you all participated in the ranking either way :)

The voting deadline is set to next saturday. I.e. ~1 week after the GameJam.