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A member registered Mar 13, 2017

Recent community posts

I had forgotten this cartoon. Thank you for making me rememorate this cartoon. The game at its level of difficulty and it is well appreciated. That's fun.

I love this king of game.

This game is amazing ! This game is art !

I love space universe and this is a good prototype of game, a concept very interesting.

rations-level survival,the time that passes between day and night, gravity are well thought out.

It's a good project !

The mixture between the 3d world and the pixel is very interesting. 

I would like see more ;)

J'adore !

I love this kind of game with Sponge Bob theme !

Un bon petit jeu pour avoir des frissons sur le thème de Bob l'Éponge. 

A good feeling of fright ! 

Une bonne dose  de frayeur garantie ! :)

This game was fun. He reminded me of Crash Bandicoot for a selection of world. Themes are very nice. 

Bravo ! ;)

it's very nice game between infiltration, rescuing hostages and more. Merci pour ce jeu ! ;)

J'adore ce genre de jeu, Merci ! ;)

Un jeu plutôt sympathique, qui mérite d'avoir son petit jeu d'aventure. :)

J'ai bien apprécié ce jeu ! Un contrôle sur les personnages et leurs statistiques rend le niveau de difficulté du jeu plutôt intéressant.

This game was great ! It's a good original 2D platformer, bravo !

This game was great ! Bravo !