Here's a second part of the comment because my original was too long and I have to split it to 2, these are just random thoughts on the game
P.S. How is Ollie and Owen so smart 馃槶 I cannot figure out even a singular reliable combination to synthesise a specific pet (hints are nice but the fun comes from figuring out the recipe myself 馃槄), Skully is lore accurately very powerful though
I can't believe it took me so long to notice the Echo reference (cough cough red coloured wolf, otter and anchor) game still gives me the chills but I can't help but notice you slide these everywhere 馃槄
It would also be nice if you could give me the actual names on the ingredients, it seriously feels like I'm misnaming half of them and I don't like that 馃槶
Now I just keep my fingers crossed that this gets fixed, thank you so much for reading (If you are reading this)