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A member registered May 30, 2018

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I understand most comments are quite old(100+ days old) so they might refer to an earlier version, if there was an earlier one. Still, while I understand what the developers tried to do and aimed for, I cannot say that's a good game. I mean, if you're into abstract board games, you might find the game aesthetically pleasing -I did- but that's subjective.

I really don't want to be rude or anything, but the whole thing felt too...bitter, I think it's the proper word. The rules are pretty basic, you move, land on squares, read cards with turn loss, move forward etc. and so on. Nothing extraordinary. Now, the issue is the cards and more specifically, what;s written on them. For the male characters ~90% of the 'attributes' give bonuses, while for the female ones it's about ~10%. And even those cards make you feel negative (according to a 'positive' card, a female dressed revealing gets a promotion). And it goes all the way like that.

Now, as mentioned in other comments, sexism is very much real and an issue. But this game IS sexist; for both sexes. As a guy that worked for some years and now owns a business and has and is collaborating with many great women and men, I can say with certainty and some degree of smugness, I really don't judge my co-workers and employees by their looks or their sex. If you want to make money and get on well with people, you don't judge them like that. I don't look down on every woman or get along fine with every man and believe me, I am not the only one, there are scores of people like that. There are sexists, but testing the game I can't help but notice that the developers are among those. 

Sorry for the very large comment, and I have to say, there was a certain amount of work and passion in the game. I believe if prejudice are left behind, the developers can come up with something grand.