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A member registered Apr 01, 2022 · View creator page →

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take off the (1) off the file name?

Yep. It’s reverted back to a standard giants silo unfortunately. Treat is as such. 

only if you want the fixes/updates ;)

(1 edit)

Thanks. That was not me. Report or do whatever you feel is best, but this stuff happens. 

jumped the gun. There are changes but I’m not ready to announce them

Straw triggers are not over the bunks, they are inside each pen.  Drive inside to lay down straw.  Or, in the very center (smaller boxes) there are bale triggers for straw/bedding as well

I reverted it back to a standard giants silo due to some conflicts. No propane required 

triticale is only harvestable for one *month. Yes. In real life as a forage crop you have a tight window to harvest at optimum moisture. 

I have to look at straw triggers again. I never had a problem with bedding and I thought there was a bale trigger inside each pen as well. Will come on next update. 

Thanks for the other kind words!  Economy is meant to be 3x real life for BOTH expenses and income, so farming 1000 acres you manage money as if it was 3000 acres. Speeds up growing your farm a bit haha

I'll post an update sometime in the next week where these are raised up a bit more.  Some mixer wagons couldn't reach the triggers I guess.  If you can't get it to find these just wait for the update.

Many are playing successfully, I would guess there’s something in the log that can help you troubleshoot

the whole loop on the Southwest side of the farm is meant for feeding both pens at once. Drive the loop. There aren’t any icons I didn’t put any in there. It’s working fine for others

did you remove the cover over the pit first?  Stand on the trigger and there will be a “click to open” prompt

in your game settings, turn vehicle auto start off. That shuts engines off of vehicles if you get out for too long

with todays update I’m hoping the AD issue is resolved. Also I removed some placeable fert tanks that weren’t working so just redownload and should be good 

feed triggers are at feed bunks my good sir

most of the work isn’t mine, I’d feel bad doing that. Cunningham Modding deserves a lot of the credit 

I have an issue here. Working on a fix. Apologies!!


pivots are finicky to be honest. I did the best I could. Watch the tutorial video, keep tinkering with it and you can usually get it wiggled free 

Cool, don't download it then


over exaggerated in which direction?  I constantly tweak with the XP values. In general speeds are probably increased with this update

what’s the difference? Plant whichever your heart desires

This should be fixed as of today.  I redid some level areas and collision

Likely not, sorry.  I just did this to fit the fields on Saint Edwar

Update was just uploaded, should be fixed.

Saint Edward, NE

the dirt underneath isn’t level with the concrete.  I might be able to fix this 

check my fb page, I posted one


yes feel free!

nope. Not my creation, and I’ve got plenty of other things on my to do list 

this mod doesn’t change yields. I only made different crops go different speeds and made it show US units (bushels) instead of tons



Made by me!

not yet, soon!

You’ll have to look up tutorials on how to add FruitTypes to a map

Should not, I tested these for optimization and made sure they didn't cause and noticeable performance drag.  I have a medium-grade PC but run maxxed settings, so every FPS is important to me

it’s basically public. I took the public 502 Skywalker Farms made and changed tires and added the eyebrow