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A member registered Mar 12, 2021

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Was there only one opportunity to save in the casino town map? I'm not sure if I just didn't find another save spot but I ended up having to complete all the side quests and the entire casino mission without stopping.

Just completed version 0.50. Good stuff.

This game is very fun. The controls are simple and can be remapped. You have to reload your checkpoint to return to the last place you saved which can be annoying. At least there are several levels and they have good map design.

Things I learned while playing:

+ The more you fill up your white bar, the more damage you deal, which balances some of the difficulty with some later enemies

+ Also I learned that enemies you subdue can wake up with a heart symbol above their head, which means they are your temporary allies and will fight other enemies and other enemies can target them.

+ If you subdue an temporary ally, they will flash pink and become a permanent ally. Even if they are defeated by hostile enemies. Plus you can carry and keep subduing allies 馃挄

(1 edit)

Honestly, this is a pretty great visual novel. Seriously good job Double Moon!

The gameplay revolves around building energy or spending energy to influence the decisions that the main girl makes. Which in turn influences how much she likes you and who she builds relationships with.

The scenes play out in different order if you don't influence her, so your decisions change the flow somewhat. And some repeatable scenes can change if she likes you more.

Version 0.8.5 has no endings so you can keep improving your relations with everyone, though I suspect that will change once they are added in later. Because there are no ending in this version, you can work towards all H-scenes of which there are a lot! The game also runs really well on my potato computer :)

If I could make a suggestion, adding a gallery would be nice for revising old H-scenes or seeing variations of the same H-scene. That would also be a good reward for multiple playthroughs when endings are added in.

Edit. Forgot to mention, exchanging 10 energy to remove 1 occult is probably not balanced enough since Zoe can easily earn back 5+occult points in the late game.


@ the Tavern. If you don't see the option, try going there the next day.