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A member registered Dec 03, 2019 · View creator page →

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Awesome art, and more content than I was expecting. Love the enemy variations, and the elevator effect. Was expecting a boss at the end, but the enemy rush portions work great too.

Thanks :)

Thanks! Great ideas.

lol, thanks for playing. I'll be sure to check for the quantum victory in the future.

Thanks for the feedback! 

The easiness is maybe a flaw in the design. The faster you go, the less damage you take, so by the end you're just trying for more hits than misses. If I kept going, I'd probably make the damage count more and ensure panels are generated in a way where you don't get trapped.

I'm curious to hear if you think the camera rotation effect is too much. I added a button so it can be played either way.

Ooh, I didn't even think of that. Good advice!