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A member registered Aug 03, 2021

Recent community posts

[Warning: Some spoilers]

Just finished playing the game, and I was very satisfied. I only have three complaints: 1) For some reason, every time I'd pass from one level to the other, the game would reset my graphic and visual settings, and I had to go to the menu and change it back every time I changed levels. 2) Some jumpscares had characters running but there was no motion (they were T-posing) and that was a little weird for me. 3) The camera zoom was really confunsing. I'd personally had prefered if "E" was zoom in and "Q" zoom out instead of "E" for both.

But let's talk about the very good ideas you guys had.

I loved both the story and the ambience. There was some lack of logic here and there (like how did he first get to the camp with all doors and windows locke when he was inside, or how despite having experience as a Russian translator he still needed a dictionary to read and write Russian), but it doesn't really affect much the experience.

And the idea to play as the Ivan's mother? Really good! I felt like I could absorve and understand more the story thanks to that.

At first I thought the ending was a little underwhelming, but after the credits and seeing there will be a sequel it felt satisfying, so good ending overall.

Also, some of the scariest parts were related to sounds (wich you guys nailed it!) more than to jumpscares, so maybe explore more of that!

