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A member registered May 24, 2019

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After playing alot more, I am quite certain of all the colors! 

Red = doctor, yellow = stranger, green = mc, white = someone you know, blue = someone close like family, pink is lover?

I do not think Ryan is the mc's name too. I only found 2 names; Ryan and Sam. When Sam's dialogue came up, I got an achievement of Three Amigos but weirdly enough it only shows 2 people on the mainscreen. I dont understand that yet.

Did you get anything new?

I made this account literally to post my findings! I unlocked an achievement by spamming the red circles called “pills” and i dont know how, but i got another acchievement called sorry pretty early on! I have a feeling this game has a lot of hidden story behind it. 

I also agree that green should be the mc! I’ll probably add more if i found more things in the game