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Anonymous John

A member registered Nov 11, 2019 · View creator page →

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Fun idea! My worst score was on Fab, I got 87. Curious to know if there's a way to get a lower score.


I loved the puzzle mechanics and the music was fun too! The only thing I really wanted was an undo button but it was still really fun

Very unique, fun puzzle. I loved it!

Ok so I didn't read the goal and that left me more than a little confused but this was such a cool game! So satisfying and short but still really tough

My high score is currently 32 and I literally made this >:(

ok but why is this actually fun? great music and very hectic, plus beautiful art

Small glitch

The bot spawned on top of me. Hopefully that wasn't intentional.
Stuff like this is why I want to be a game dev. It's so difficult, but just so fun too! I'm on my third run and I don't even want to imagine what the last level is like.

The history books will remember today as the day I unleashed my genius upon the world.

I hope you like carrots. (also this game is really fun)