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A member registered Aug 06, 2020

Recent community posts

I remember seeing one somewhere, maybe back when it went by another name? I would be interested in an answer to this question now tho, as if my memory serves me correctly, this did in fact used to be a apk?

Great game, any word on the sequel?

Keep up the great work, a truly superb masterpiece!

Would be awesome with animations! Beautiful renders and engaging story line, animation would put it up there 10 fold.

SIlence is sadness this game is so awesome, one of a kindreally. Hope to see a continuation of this game!

Will you post public release of v.14 and .24 for android users?

Thanks for the info. Hate to pick the scab. Glad to see Killer continue his efforts and keep his positive attitude and chin up!

Keep your head up and know we all support and are rooting for you!

Not asking for Killer or anyone to rehash what happened, can anyone point me to the post on what happened legal troubles wise for MNM?

Not even into furry but that was a blast! Is v.5 the end?

Sorry to see so much hate in the posts below. To each their own when it comes to tastes in content. It's your story bro, I'm just here to enjoy the ride, thanks man, looking forward to the next update!

Sad rlly, had so much potential.

I think if people who aren't financially supporting you and the development of your games they should probably tone down the rhetoric.

Both games are great and as a non paying subscriber I eagerly await updates for these amazing stories.

Thanks and looking forward to the continuation of Polarity!

BRAVO! Updates can't come fast enough, excellent game!

Has week three been officially closed out?

Truly sad, seems abandoned. A entertaining story that kinda weaved in and out of the traditional mother son story.

V17 is the newest version?

Fun so far! Great read as a VN and the renders are amazing!

I was wondering though, I recall a scene where MC & Ava already had sex, it was in one of the older versions. Did it get removed, or did I take a wrong path somewhere? I like to play from scratch each update so I might have made a wrong turn somewhere.

Thanks for the great game so far!

All I have to say is WOW! Let the haters hate, what you have here is GREAT!

A truly captivating story!  I agree with your philosophy but sadly the "think police" control the mechanisms and venues that artists much like yourself need and depend upon to further fund your vision and dreams....

Thank you for pushing through and bringing Petal to a pause, I look forward to seeing where your story goes from here!

Thank you brother for the great story, you know it is memorable when your story invokes an emotional response from the readers.

Dude, amazing renders. It is refreshing to see an engaging storyline in a adult VN.  If I could I would donate but I will enjoy your story none the less.  Thank you!

Awesome! Thanks for the response!

Witch such beautiful rendering and characters, are you planning on animations for this work of art?  That would be the cream de la creme!!!!


This was one of the more phenomenal sandbox games out there, hope dev just doesn't update here.

(2 edits)

Man I love this game but sadly now that there is no apk download I cannot continue to play. 

6Gb download (pc version), and trying to play through a 3rd party app is not feasible on my cell phone due to the size of the pc version.

This was my first itch game I played, ignore the flak Runey, it's your story, your vision, keep it real man!

Just wish I could have seen it through to the end.

No v.12 for Android?

I know you flip back and forth with Shrink, which he are you currently focusing on now?

I purposely waited 2 updates to play but I imported my saves from .8 and there is no new content? Are saves incompatible?

Where can I find this version 5 you speak of?

Thanks for all your hard work, and I can wait another week for this awesomeness!

Amazing update! Please show Ashley some baby luv!

I see he noted that there would be a release of the Android version later, then an explanation of why he was having issues but still no Android v5?

Will you link chapter 2 to the Radiant Ch1 page?

Please take your time AND take care of yourself.

You have shared a great story with us so far, and I look forward to seeing what is in store in the future!

I know, I always asked the same questions before I knew of patreon. Didn't mean anything by it, was just trying to help!

Ashley hole switch edge for lust is the best, thank you for this!

Cant wait to go to Egypt with my big booty goddess!

v11 Build 3 is out on the patreon. Just be patient.

I see v5 on patreon but still no Android version?

Forgot to specify public releases. I don't have a patreon ☹️

Its Diamond something.

Great update, and awesome cliffhanger!