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A member registered Oct 22, 2023

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Ok so i got something for you mister developer, and i hope to god you'll see this cause i got an idea on how the final true power of the player should be called and how i think it would work based on your info so far about it. First i gotta say i loved your game and i cant wait for the finished product.

Ok so let me get some things cleared out first. I will be calling the player the "character", the people he uses his power on will be the "victim/victims" and i will call the mind and personality of the victims as the "circle" (this to make more clear how i understand the power of the character works)

Well now that i got everything i needed cleared out, let me begin on how the character's power has worked so far

Act I:

Ok so at the beginning of the story the character has the artifact thing put inside him by Morgana to "keep him alive". (which as we find out later is a big fat lie cause all that thing does is supress his true power, but i guess if he used his full power from the start he maybe would actually die because we saw he gets severe headaches when he uses all the power he can use so far, anyway, back to the important stuff) And he can use the power called "Control" now. So, what control does. Well to explain and understand it as i do i need you (reader) to imagine that the victim's mind and personality controls the actions of the body, so imagine those being a circle. What happens when the character uses "Control" on a victim is that his power goes inside their conciousness and interacts with the circle, bending it slightly. Very, very slightly. But still enough to make them do simple stuff. And as he uses control on someone more and more he can bend the circle more, but not much. However many times he uses control, he can bend someone only so far, and if the victim is strong, the effect has even less efficiency, that being why he cant control Morgana, she's too strong, and Pixie being a so called mistake probably means that she isnt very strong, which is why the character can control her from the start. So to sum it up, when the character uses "control" on a victim he can bend their circle and as he uses control (ill stop typing "control" like this cause it takes too much time and i got a lot to say) more and more he can bend the circle more, but only if he surpasses the victim in power by quite a big scale (by power i mean magical power and yes normal humans that cant use magic still have magical power, thing of it as their willpower).

Act II:

Here things get interesting, because after being far away from Pixie in the Organization hideout the character breaks through a part of the limiter artifact thing and can now use 2 different powers. One being "Shatter" (which as gramps says is a subdivision of the character's true power, remember this because its important) and the other one being "Awaken" (which as i see it it is a buffed down version of the character's true power and it also has the need to know a strong aspect about the victim)

So first, shatter. As i understand, shatter works like this. So, the character uses a lot of brute magical strength and then his power goes in the victim's conciousness and it completely erases the circle (meaning it destroys the mind of the victim, making them a doll or robot). And, as we see in Chloe's case, with enough strength and if the character far outshines the victim in magic power he can completely erase the circle, but if the power of the character and the victim are more matched, then the character can only erase parts or the circle, or rather it cant completely erase it, like when you swipe your eraser over a drawing and you can still see the drawing a bit. And if the character doesnt have or doesnt use enough strength then he cant do anything to the victim. And after he uses shatter, the conciousness becomes empty (if the circle is completely erased) or theres more space (if the circle still is slightly present) and then the character can input a new shape into the conciousness that he can pilot and make it do as he wants, and he has complete control over the shape he makes, but this means he literally makes the victim a robot or mindless doll that can only do as asked of the character. If theres still a part of the past self of the victim, that that part can still do some normal things like feel certain emotions, but it doesnt have enough power to actually do something against the character (if the shatter is succesfull, even if only slightly). Later, when the fey assassin goes inside Chloe, now the assassin can control Chloe more and can even make her say things, but still she cant make her do something against the character, meaning that when she entered her body, she went into the conciousness and empowered whatever small remains of Chloe's erased circle there still were, but she wasnt stronger than the character, and so she cant freely pilot Chloe's body.

And now, awaken. This one is more interesting. Ok, so, now i want you to imagine the circle split into many parts, some big and some very small, those parts being the needs and wants of the victim, or their desires. A bigger desire means a bigger part of the circle it occupies. And for the character to use awaken he needs to find the biggest part of the circle and know what it represents. And then he uses awaken on a victim and the power goes inside the conciousness. There, it "makes a deal" with the conciousness that in exchange for satisfying that part of the circle, the conciousness gives full control to the awaken power (and so the character)  of that part of the circle. And then the awaken power corrupts that part, and as the character satisfies that part of the circle more, the corruption grows and occupies more of the circle. But this is still a slow process, not as powerful or fast as the final true power the character has. More magical strength put into the awaken power means more control over that part of the circle, and in Gwen's case, the character used full power, and so he didnt need to know her biggest desire cause his power was so overwhelming the conciousness gave full control of the whole circle to the character. But that needs him to use his full strength, and even if he does, he couldnt do what he did to Gwen to a stronger person like Morgana. 

Now guess what, IM FINALLY DONE EXPLAINING ALL THE BORING BULLSH........ *Cough cough*. What i was trying to say is that now that im done explaining the power of the character as we have seen it so far, now i can get to my idea on how the final true power of the character should be named, and what it should do and work like.

Ok then, to the good part we go.

So, the final power (in my opinion) should be called "Corrupt", you'll see exactly why when i explain what it does. It also is cool that it fits with the name of the game "Corrupted Kingdoms".

So, what is corrupt. Well. Ohh boy this is gonna be a long one. So, first ill explain how i imagine the character gains this power. What i think is that at the end of the war the character has to fight "Morgana", "The Organisation" and "The Eldritch" at the same time (they team up or something to get rid of the character, since they all want that now). And as he at first looses the battle, Gramps comes in the play like at the end of act 2 and instead of scaring away everybody, he keeps them at bay but says: "I dont want to get directly involved in this, so I wont fight you. " Then, he takes the artifact out of the Character and says: "You are ready boy, i believe you can control your power now and so, go ahead and show them what you're capable of, give them hell!" and he then flies away, leaving an artifactless character on the ground as his power starts to flow into his body, overwhelming him at first. But, as the Organisation boss goes up to the character to check if he is dead, the character burst with a strong light and after his allies and enemies are able to see once again, they see him flying in the air, a big smirk on his face and then they hear a loud voice in their head saying: "Finally, my power is now truly mine. I can feel it  coursing through me, its so much i feel like im a god now." and then he points his finger to his closest enemy, the boss of the organisation and he shouts: "CORRUPT". Then, a black and purple light shoots out of his finger and goes inside the boss of the organisation's mind (which i dont remember the name of and so ill call him Max, i dont know, its the first name that came to mind, and it sounds kinda menacing i guess.....) Then, after a second Max kneels down and says: "I live to serve you my lord, i will obey any order you give me." Then he looks up to his master, the character, with an evil smirk and says: "Do you wish for me to kill these plebians that dare oppose you my master?" Then the Character says: "No, my subject. But i do have a task for you. Go among my allies and protect them with your life, and order your troops to do so aswell (troops being the whole organisation which of course are there since thats why they are strong, they have strength in numbers and tech) (Side Note: I will assume the fact that after the character gains his strength he somehow magically already knows how it works and stuff like that so i can simplify things a bit. Also, ill finish the story then ill explain how i think corrupt should work). Then Max orders his troops to circle all of the allies of the character, but they try to fight back because they want to accompany the character, believing he isnt strong enough to take everyone down by himself (and how wrong they are). Among the crowd Gwen says: "My Love! Please let us help you! You cant take them down alone! Please, ill give my life so you can  win, but please let me do so! (i know Gwen is in a wheelchair, but i think she's still be there even if she cant fight, she couldnt allow herself to not accompany the character in what she still thinks may be his last moments, because she believes he doesnt have a chance at winning). Then Max angrily says: "How dare you impose the fact that master cant win! He is allpowerfull, allknowing and a god that walks among us lowlives! Everyone should bow down to him, and they will after he shows them his majestic power as he has shown me, he will show them the light and they will bend to his will! He Will Win!" And then the character says: "Silence! I do not want my subjects to fight among themselves! You shall see that i will win this, and i will alone, i do not want to put you in harms way anymore than i have done already Gwen and everybody else. Now watch on and see how my true power takes down my foes!". Then, the crowd starts cheering on the character as they now believe in his strength. Then, Morgana and the Eldritch jump up towards the character trying to attack him, and he teleports from their way, leaving them to attack each other. Then, he says in a commanding and menacing voice: "These lowlives believe they can fight me, how foolish. I shall show you the light and bring you to salvation, as i am a merciful god. Now then, CORRUPT!" He shouts out and then two more black and purple lights shoot out of his hands and enter the bodies of both Morgana and the Eldritch, and after a few second of the character pushing his power inside them, they finally break and then they kneel infront of them, both saying at the same time: "We have been brought to salvation, our lord. We see we have been foolish to oppose you, if you wish we shall take our lives as repentance for our foolish behavior" Then both Morgana and the Eldritch bring their hands to their chests towards their hearts and wait for their lords response. The character then says in a commanding loud tone: "No, my subjects. You have been foolish, yes. And you have brought me pain, yes, but i am merciful, i forgive mistakes as long as you serve me and never oppose me again." then both Morgana and the Eldritch look up at the character and say on queue: "We shall our lord! We will repent our whole lives and serve you with our very own being! We will make sure no one ever opposes you ever again! How merciful and forgiving of you to let us server you, we will give our all to bringing only joy to you!" and then they bow again. And yeah, thats how i picture the last fight ending. It is to my liking because i really love a short fight where the main character just obliderates his enemy. This is my style so yeah. So, now to get to how corrupt works.

Well, picture it like this. First, as i said, when the character casts corrupt a black and purple light shoots out of his hand and enters the body of the victim. Then, it goes to their conciousness. (Side note, im lazy, so ill explain how this power works only at full strength. I even have an excuse for it. The character can only use Corrupt when he uses all of his strength, otherwise he can only use his previous powers. Yup, thats why) And then we reach the circle. There, the magical power of the corrupt power of the character completely takes over the circle, shaping and molding itself around it. Then, it destroys the circle and then the corrupt energy power replaces it, remaining in the same shape but it also gives the character the ability to mold it to his will, in whatever way he wishes, but it being the same shape as the original circle means that the victim still acts as itself, only it serves the character with all of their being. As we saw at the awaken power, the reason for this being that now all of the circle represents only one desire, serving the character.

Thats it. Thats how i see the final true power of the character being introduced, being named and also how i see it working. I hope to god the creator will see this, i really loved your game man and i hope youll at least read my idea. Maybe even consider taking notes from it........ if it isnt too much to hope...... yeah you get it. Alright, my fingers hurt like hell so thats it folks. Hope you like my idea. Peace out!