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A member registered Jul 28, 2020

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I just finished and I'm totally and absolutely choked up in tears. There were some powerful moments before the end which had me near the same, but the ending really put it into perspective: 

This game is a work of art. 

Very few pieces of media have made me feel the way this story has made me feel. I made it through about a quarter through the story and I was so hooked I spent the entire day and rest of the night reading it. 

The story is incredibly powerful, written by people who understand the depths of emotion and the power they hold over us, even when we (sometimes unintentionally) push them down and hide behind our daily facades. If there is an emotion humans can have, you will probably feel it through the course of this game.

Despite me just being only minutes from when I finished it, I already know that this game will hold itself a special place within my heart. My biggest thanks to Echo Project and to the artist, who worked together to create this story.

Treasure the people who care about you. Life is short, let's enjoy it with the people we love.