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Rizky Prawijaya

A member registered Aug 08, 2018 · View creator page →

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Good job, Basky :D

This is the best update I've played so far

Sooo, when Haruki next update come out?

Is the order of the update now was Jun-Kei-Sho-Haru? Or Haru route update will be random?

Well I did have a little brother too, and he kinda act almost like Aki, but more jerky. He tease everyone in the house and make them upset and annoyed all the time. So sometimes I scold and hit him If he's gone too far. So I don't I'm going to be a good brother for Aki anyway xD

It is possible to add Haruki route to the game (very small chances anyway). But I don't think it will be added anytime soon, because it will probably delay the current game story progress, and creating a new route will taking a very long time and maybe mess the story a little bit.

Maybe it will added in dlc after the game main story finished I think. Because I remember the dev mention something about this before, if I'm not wrong 🤔

Ah yes, the accurate expression of 

"My whole life is a joke"

I'm not choosing both lol

But if I was forced to, I think I pick Shoichi mom cooking

I hope its not the end,

I hope, Yuuichi (a.k.a the protagonist) could survive from that accident. But he might got a very bad injury on his head, he might lost his memory after that accident. That's just a theory of course.

Wow, Its been so long I didn't came here for a few month... Did I miss something?


Aki's route~

I think something bad will happen~

(I guest...)

I see


Can you not use a dirty word in your comment?

Please don't be mad to me.


Wait the minute... Where is the new update?

Where is it?

Where is it our Jun update?

I wonder... After the tennis ace project has finished, will WOTB make a new game or visual novel again?


Thanks for your reply!

Oh, I remember him now... Thanks

I wonder, if we pick Jun or Keisuke  route, and Shoichi know the MC is have a relationship with one of them, is it Shoichi will be so mad and hate them?

Because, that white wolf(I forgot his name) almost kiss MC. Shoichi look them and Shoichi almost kill that wolf. :,v

Or maybe, Shoichi will be mad to MC? because Shoichi is have a crush with MC since they are kids. Shoichi trust the MC with his heart.

Or, maybe that scene or route would never added in the game?

That will be so scary if Shoichi will ended the friendship to MC, Jun, and Keisuke, right?

Or maybe, Shoichi is don't mind if he knows the MC have a relationship with them.

My opinion, that scene and route would never been added on the game. I actually just wonder, if that really happen.

(I knew WOTB will say "I can't say that because that will be a spoiler" or "I can't confirm or deny this for now".)


Who is Alex?

That means, there will added bad ending, right?

It is 14th date already!

Maybe your ram isn't enough to continue the visual of this novel.

Sorry for my bad english!

is it only me who suspects that Jun has a dark secret?

(this is just my theory)

sorry with my bad english!

I agree with your idea!

(1 edit)

Will there be NSFW CG of Shoichi, Jun, Keisuke, and Yuuichi in the future?

WOTB, are you working on this visual novel alone? Or do it together?

Oh, okay. we hope the next update can be better.

This game is very good. But,why only the main characters can change expressions?  why the others cant't change their expressions? someona answer,Please...