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As well made an account just to comment under this if, cause i loved it so much! It was the 2nd if i played but this one is my favourite

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Hello just wanted to ask if in all of the ifs the romanceable characters are always males or not

I'm kinda new in the IFs games but i wanted to ask is Four knights of the apocalypse, IF?

Okey thank you for the info! 😄 The Demo is awesome, gotta buy the game one day :)

I have a question: Is Dena a LI or not?

(For some reason i still haven't played it again to know that 😅 so I'm asking instead, even tho I'm going to play the game again-)

There's a link to that game tho 

(In birdland if i remember the name of the game right)

I love the sequels and The original game but i have one question- So in the original one i started dating Miri but in this game i wasn't able to choose the option that we dated. Is there a way i can choose that option or not?

I thought it would be just a joke to send Jess to space, but NOPE we basically launch her there and never see her again.

How is that the first ending i got XD

The # is the best one I've seen


Just yesterday i found the short stories and played all of em! It's great to see the anniversary (2021) stories from another perspective. Can't believe i found the short stories just yesterday T-T, at least i got more stories/games to replay

Also loved it.

Okey! At first i thought that the mc would never meet Dena again XD but they did

And thank you for the informations. I will make sure to find this game again in the future and play it! 😄 

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Kind of a spoiler

In the first 7 chapters i was wondering: Are we ever going to meet D (I will call em D cause the gender can be different for some players) ? And when we did my reaction was just 😲(Wha-) 😀(D!!!) 😯 (Wait what I wasn't expecting them to appear-) 😀 (But I'm happy for that)🤨 (Wait so D Is actually beck for some time?!)😁jsijwjdh (awesome)

also i knew i would get addicted to this game, the writing, character, drama! Love it so much, I want to play more but sadly i can't download the game. It was fun playing the 1st chapters tho, Maybe in soms years i will come upon this game again and download it since the plot is fascinating and the characters are well made :)

I remember replaying the game and when i was running thru the underground tunnels no one saved and i got bad ending lol, I save almost every decision tho and  replay the game again and again so i didn't mind

It was kinda funny to see what would happen

Alsoo we can't forget Siham interrupting the temple scene in Ch11 on A and R routes XD

I started playing this game just some days ago and i already love it! I tried all the routes and then even changed the personality to see how would the story go, It really is awesome. So excited to see what happens in Ch2

I agree! Ziryan is acting like he never interrupted the main character and li, and I love it XD

Same even tho i have one more theory about Caine expect from this one :D

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Take all the time you need (≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠), It's really great so the wait will be worth it

Totally agree on some of your thoughts!  I wasn't expecting to actually read the whole comment but i did 

From the start i had some theories about the story and in latest chapters (10th) The conversation with the dealer some of my theories started making more sense, 

As for me I try to choose multiple personalities (yes i replay the game a lot) and try to see what happens if you choose other characters! It's really interesting to see it from more povs :)

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Already Replayed the 10 chapters a lot of times and i could say that i love the game even more than when i found it (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆

The waiting for the next chapter is killing me but the story is too good so i will wait even 6 months or more :3