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A member registered Jul 16, 2021

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No prob. You deserve the support and I am glad I can be a little part of that support. Thx I try to stay safe. Here where I live, we should be save. And thx for the welcome <3

You're welcome. No need ro hurry with the translations. Like I said, the meaning of the story and the emotional parts are transported very well, even if you dont understand every single word.

I am happy that I can help, even with a small charge on patreon. Allready did that this evening to show my support and thank you for your work on the game. Also allready joined your discord, to stay up to date xD

Yeah the flood here is terrible. Over 100 people allready died. Some small villages got nearly completely destroyed. And there are still hundreds of people missing. I live in rhineland-palatinate, one of the states that got hid by the flood. But I live in the south eastern part of the state and mostly the north got hit. But there still is danger, if it starts raining again within the next days

This game is amazing. I found it by coincidence some days ago. Since then, I nearly couldn't stop playing. I played till deep in the night, knowing I habe to get up early for work, but I just couldn't stop. When I got home from work, I hurried to eat and turned on my conputer, just to continue playing.

The development, the characters go through is genius. I think I don't lie if I say, everyone has a character in the game you can identify with or at least with the problems and feelings they have to go through. Since I am german, I had sometimes problems to understand some words and phrases. But even without beeing able to translate every single word, the feelings and everything else is getting to me. Hell I am not a very emotional person at all, but I nearly cried over the whole chapter 9. The story, the feelings, the whole thing caught me off guard.

Keep up with this brilliant masterpiece. I can't wait for the next update. This cliffhanger and the end of chapter 9 is allready killing me now, even I finished the chapter just 8 hours ago xD

It would be great, if you get the chance, when the game is finished one day, to implement some more languages. I think there would be millions of people, who would love to play this game, but aren't that good in english. Anyways, I will continue to play this game, when the next update is out. Also I will play it every now and then, see what changes, when I choose the other route.

Also I think I will just join patreon, to support this masterpiece. Indie Games like this, need every support, they can get, to get it known to people, all accross the world. Just now, where there are still people, hidding out there in their closet. Even its an adult game, the focus lies on the story and not on the sexual parts. And I think the story could help many teenagers accross the world, helping them to deal with their feelings.

Sorry this comment got so long, but I had to let you know this, cause this game really caught me. Keep up the brilliant and genius work and just cant wait till I can play the next chapter.