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Ander Systems

A member registered Jun 03, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you!

Dear peoples!
THE GAME DEVELOPMENT NEEDS YOU! And everything you need to do is playing the game!

so, I need peoples to test it with me, and if you wanna play just join on my discord server and send me a message!

Thank you for the feedback!

So, I will follow your suggestions! The wireframe skybox it's a very good idea! Initially I wanted to make an "Outrun" style skybox, but I didn't have time to that.
For the gun, my initial idea is make some "drone enemies" to hinder you, however I didn't have time to that, however I had already made the gun.

Hmm... I never saw the glitch of floating camera. But I will try to fix that.
But unfortunately I can't update the game here (because of JAM). However I still work on it, and I will use your suggestions to improve the game! 
Here is what I already made:
* The starting loading has been fixed!
* I'm considering to remove Slow Motion effect (for now)
I will create another page from game to update him.

Thanks for feedback!
Unfortunately I can't update the game here (because of JAM). But I still work on it, and I will use your suggestions to improve the game! 
Here is what I already made:
* The starting loading has been fixed!
* I'm considering to remove Slow Motion effect (for now)
I will create another page from game to update him.

oh ;-;
Try to restart the game. This action can fix thit.