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A member registered May 04, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks, but no, however I think AA should have some copies in stock..

Cool puzzle game for your Lynx! Get this! :-) 

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Thanks, its coming this year via Atariage and possibly digital download too!

Yes, there are even two. Follow this link for the 2022 demo :

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Hello! The game will be available 2024, around Nov. It will be playable at Ejagfest convention too. Its also playable on BigPemu emulation software.  Please contact Reboot for preview code. 

Greetings Alex  

Hi, thanks for your interest in the game! Your magazine looks really great! Are you interested to do some coverage on the game?

Greetings! Alex

Thanks for your interest! The game is on hold atm as we are focusing on finishing our main project "Jumping at Shadows" now. Regards! 

Hello Szadiart, brilliant beautiful sets! We did a game with it, "Jumping at Shadows! Thanks for all your stellar work! Greetings Alex

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Thanks, but let us be realistic: Zaku will be untouchable for some time to come. 

Please visit this thread on to get in contact with us:

Hello, thanks! How can we contact you?

Thanks! New media coming soon! ;-) 

I second that!


Thank you! :-)

Still in the making, BETA  hopefully soon. Graphics assets are finished. Thanks for caring!

Another super cool game for the Lynx, nice spin on the Xmas theme!

So happy to see the release of our Lynx collaboration. Thanks for this excellent website for the game. Great screenshots and GIFs!