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A member registered Aug 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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ok ok calm down 😂 sorry

It's been 3 years since I played this game.

Now I develop games on CopperCube, and finally your game is not too bad. Ok it's not months and months of work, but it's fine.

Yes, quite similar to our Alpine landscapes.

This simulator is quite empty but even interesting.

I have 2 suggestions to improve it:

- Add a steering wheel in the car (even if it doesn't move, something in 3D is cleaner than a simple photo of a steering wheel).

- Add option to disable shadows. (I'm also a developer using CopperCube, and I noticed that shadows were very resource intensive considering that CopperCube runs on DirectX 9.)

You forgot to include the game data folder. Without it, it cannot work.

The game have been updated a bit.

Unfortunately, I'm not completely familiar with the Coppercube engine yet, so any small detail is complicated to add. And for the jump sound, I don't know how to fix that either. But, I'm proud that you like my game.

If you want more fun, you can wait a new project that I'm working.

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pas du tout :)

la version wtf de beamng n'est pas prévue de sortir pour le moment.

ce jeu est simplement une représentation de ce que peut être un jeu corrompu

I used it from my Android browser. But I thought it would work like most WebGL games.

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Hum... Problems are back.

Edit: Why this game releases on my birthday date? 😏🤔

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Good news!🙂   The level is working as of now.

Reaction to the update: The new font is very well found. I don't like the new title screen music too much; but I don't care, because I still have the old version on my PC. Speaking of the old version, I retested it and the My Home level still doesn't work in this one.

By the way, I have a suggestion: add a loading screen when you launch a level (earlier, I thought the game crashed when I launched the level (since the loadings are quite long (about 10 seconds))).

It will be a party indeed. XD

But more seriously, the level of the futuristic tower lag just a little bit but it works.

All I know is that my PC supports Unity games less well than any other engine (the Unreal Engine works quite well).

Thank you.

To answer you, the level in question just doesn't load (just freezes the game and Windows asks me to close it).

But I did a formatting in the meantime and didn't retest the game. When I got back from vacation, I would go see this new version.

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To conclude, all these problems no longer concern me. The problem was just that I had too old a PC. v

 - DirectX  10

- Intel Chipset video card

- Intel Pentium II processor

- So many other obsolete stuff...

The PC still works but it is slower than when I had these problems.

I changed my PC 3 months ago and all the games I want are working now (including this one).

However, a problem arises: The "My Home" level is the only one that does not work.

Depuis quand, on passe de l'alpha à la Release ?