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-0 Go to steam library click on pizza tower (don't play it), click on the settings symbol, click on manage then browse local files and voila you have every original file you'll need.
-1 Download the mod.
-2 Extract all the files to your desktop (or another file)
-3 Look for the Xdelta file (You MUST have delta patcher for this)
-4 Check the file's name, for example if the Xdelta file has the name chefkiss"exe" you will use the pizzatower.exe file, if it has the name chefkiss"data" you will use the file for this (DISCLAIMER: These Xdelta files (most of the time) may be together so read the next steps carefully)
-4.5 Move pizzatower.exe and/or to desktop (YOU HAVE TO HAVE THEM IN DESKTOP OR ELSE IT WON'T WORK)
-5 Open delta patcher and insert in the original file pizzatower.exe or (depending on the name) and insert the patch with its respective file (pizzatower.exe or
-6 Press Apply Patch, and if it says that something went wrong, congrats you suck! But if you followed the tutorial step by step and it says that it was succesful Yipee You Dun'it!
(BONUSES) 7 It may have more files but they might aswell just have extra files like "desktop" of "bank" or "NekoPresence" you just have to replace the desired file with it.
Now You Can Kiss Chefs!