Creator of
Simulating my life dealing with Interpersonal relations and Celiac Disease.
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A prototype made alongside with two of my groupmates. I did the coding.
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A quick storyline, fantasy, choice-based game, created for a School project
Interactive Fiction
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A week prototype about the song shattered dreams as a theme.
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A prototype made with two other game designers. I was the coder.
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A project made in a week using the song Peach by Kevin abstract as a theme.
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Game made in a week using PuzzleScript for the first time. The poem Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelley as a theme.
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A game I made about a girl who must go out into the world to fight a witch.
A Halloween project I made in about a week's time.
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A prototype made in a week based on the theme of using the poem Harlem by Langston Hughs.
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A prototype made in a week using scratch for the first time.
This prototype was made in one week using the theme Time.
Interactive Fiction
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A game made in a timeframe of a week using two tarot cards (The Magician and the 8 of Wands) to fit the theme.
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A prototype made in a week using the theme Great!
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Using the theme Missed Opportunities, I made this prototype in a week.
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Simple prototype using the theme New Beginnings in a timeframe of a week.
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My Virtual Husband - 12 HR Prototype comments · Posted in My Virtual Husband - 12 HR Prototype comments